Free Guide! The 8 Key Ingredients for Effective Email Marketing

Founder of Maribloom, digital expert, and overall obsessed with seeing creators, entrepreneurs, and businesses thrive online.

Hi there,
I'm Nicole


When you set up your digital platforms and tools the right way from the very beginning, you're priming your business to grow—without the tech headache.

I help creators and business owners grow their businesses by building the foundations for them to thrive upon. 

For Passionate Creators & Busy Entrepreneurs 

Digital Strategist

I was 3 weeks away from graduating college with a journalism degree, and I realized I had no interest in becoming a journalist.

Lucky for me, social media was becoming a "thing" for businesses—content marketing was a perfect fit for the magazines I worked for. I jumped into the world of online marketing, learning about digital strategies, sales funnels, data analytics, customer behavior, and user experience.

A little bit about how I got started...

It wasn’t until I began working with an award-winning educator that my digital expertise took shape. We grew her online course business exponentially by setting the foundations for her to bloom: finding the proper tech tools, building a robust email marketing strategy, and streamlining with marketing automation.

Maribloom Digital Studio would love to help you too. If you’re an entrepreneur, creator, or business owner who needs a digital strategy, you’re in the right place!

Lofty goals for thriving online? A solid foundation to build your strategy on is more than a must—it's everything.

How I Like To Relax


Favorite Drink


Favorite Season


Dream Vacation


Childhood Nickname


Favorite Hobby


6 Random Facts


I'd love to hear from you! Send me a message using the form below and I'll get back to you asap.

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